How do parent partner programs recruit, train, and supervise parents with lived experience?
Explore how various parent partner programs recruit, train, and support the parents who serve as peer mentors to other parents.
Explore how various parent partner programs recruit, train, and support the parents who serve as peer mentors to other parents.
Explore the role that family treatment courts play in being a catalyst for transforming the child welfare system.
Explore effective strategies for how family treatment courts can improve outcomes for families affected by parental substance use disorder.
Explore how family treatment courts are a family-centered intervention for families affected by substance use disorder.
Learn the findings from a study that explored the relationship between prenatal substance exposure at birth and CPS involvement during the first year of life.
Learn the findings from a study that assessed how caseworkers’ perceptions of domestic violence and parental substance use influenced the decision-making.
Learn how the Eat, Sleep, Console model promotes healthy parent-child attachment, destigmatizes NAS, and prevents unnecessary interventions.
Learn how family-based residential treatment for parental substance use disorder can keep families together and improve outcomes.
Explore our Questions from the field resources to learn more about substance use disorders and child welfare.
Learn how a residential treatment center is helping tribal parents recover from substance use disorder with their children.