What training models exist for new parent partners to become effective advocates?
This appendix lists training topics and approaches that eight parent partner programs use during new parent partner onboarding.
This appendix lists training topics and approaches that eight parent partner programs use during new parent partner onboarding.
Explore the four key pillars of ChiByDesign’s approach to successful co-design with people with lived experience.
Learn how two specialized programs are collaborating to support young children with complex developmental and behavioral health needs.
Explore how various parent partner programs recruit, train, and support the parents who serve as peer mentors to other parents.
Learn how the Nurse-Family Partnership home visiting program can generate positive outcomes as it offers support to new mothers.
Learn how the COVID-19 pandemic leveraged new ways of engaging virtually to support children and families.
Explore why four principles of the Indian Child Welfare Act should form the basis of child welfare practice for all agencies.
Dr. Bell’s 2019 testimony on funding programs for fathers in Families First to a subcommittee of the House Committee on Ways and Means.
Community curator Corey Best describes how Broward County, Fla., works with the community to advance racial justice in child welfare.
Learn how organizations, partners, and key stakeholders can assess their readiness to co-design with people with lived experience.