Community Opportunity Map feedback

Community Opportunity Map feedback How are you using the Community Opportunity Map? Please tell us how you are using the community opportunity mapEmail address (optional) Name of your organization (optional) Δ Return to the Community Opportunity Map.

Summary of child welfare class action litigation

Read summaries of class action litigation, brought forward by or on behalf of children in foster care.

How do investigation, removal, and placement cause trauma for families?

Actions around child protection investigations, removals, and placements have traumatic effects on children, parents, and caregivers.

How does the FIRST Clinic keep newborns safely with their parents?

The FIRST Clinic is a medical-legal partnership that aims to keep parents and their newborns safely together.

How can child- and family-serving agencies select evidence-based programs that are the right fit?

Identifying appropriate evidence-based practices and programs can help ensure families get the right services and support.

How does SafeCare support parents of young children?

Discover how the SafeCare home visiting program effectively supports positive parenting practices and reduces incidents of maltreatment.

What are some evidence-based programs that help promote safety, permanency, and well-being?

This information packet provides information about evidence-informed programs that aim to keep children safe and families together.

How was Safety Organized Practice implemented in San Diego County?

San Diego County’s Safety Organized Practice model builds partnerships between families and child welfare using a strengths-based approach.

Creating healing pathways for children with behavioral health needs

This report provides key considerations for jurisdictions grappling with the intersection of behavioral health needs and child welfare system.

How Families Forward Virginia used the Community Opportunity Map to build a Family Resource Center network

This map tool helps public-private partnerships create precise, local strategic plans to invest in hope and support families.