How does the FIRST Clinic keep newborns safely with their parents?
The FIRST Clinic is a medical-legal partnership that aims to keep parents and their newborns safely together.
We work in support of a range of public, private, tribal and community partners to safely reduce the need for foster care and prevent recurrence of maltreatment. Leaders from the field routinely ask questions about practices and policies that improve safety outcomes for children. The documents featured here reflect responses to inquiries about how to keep children safe.
The FIRST Clinic is a medical-legal partnership that aims to keep parents and their newborns safely together.
Learn from a study that compares permanency outcomes for families with and without Infant-Toddler Court Team involvement.
Learn from a study that examines the relationship between trauma screening and the likelihood of multiple foster care placements.
Learn from a study that provides insight on child protection agencies that provide care to children with complex medical needs.
Explore our Questions from the field resources related to youth in out-of-care settings.
Learn how Texas invested in primary and secondary prevention programs to prevent child maltreatment using a public health framework.
Explore trends in child abuse and neglect investigations of infants due to reports from medical professionals.
Learn from research that explores how policies that reduce child poverty would result in lower involvement with child protective services.
Learn how child protection agencies and partner systems can best support youth who are victims or at risk of sex trafficking.
Learn about home visiting models that are effective in reducing child maltreatment.
Understand how the COVID-19 shutdown resulted in limited surveillance without compromising child safety in New York City.
Drawing on his experience as a child welfare leader, David Sanders offers recommendations for reducing child abuse and neglect fatalities.
This overview describes the negative impacts of group and institutional settings and posits strategies for eliminating their overuse.
Learn how applying safety science principles to critical incident and child fatality reviews can enhance system accountability.
Explore a variety of our resources related to the topics of permanency and placement stability.
Learn from a study that outlines how states differ in their definitions of child neglect and the impacts on children and families.
Explore how motivational interviewing can be used in a child welfare context to engage families and improve outcomes.
Learn findings from a study that describes the relationship between police contact with families and the reporting of child maltreatment.
Explore findings from a study that looked at medical examiner data to conclude that true rates of fatal child abuse may be underreported.
Explore findings from a report that outlines why a consistent and coordinated approach to child fatality data is necessary.