Research from the field

Research from the field

The issues affecting children and families are complex, and sound research is needed to build an understanding of what works to strengthen families and keep children safe. The Research from the field series provides brief summaries of seminal, thought-provoking research studies or syntheses. The summaries are intended to inspire new ways of thinking and promote transformative approaches to supporting child and family well-being. They cover a broad range of topics. Each summary highlights findings from a single research study or synthesis, identifies additional resources to further explore the topic, and offers considerations for application within the context of transformation toward a 21st Century child and family well-being system.


Full length portrait of a young girl using her tablet while lying on a sofa at home

How can individuals with direct experience of child welfare help to reform the system?


Portrait of a happy mother and daughter playing together in their backyard

How can we ensure that separating children from their families is an intervention of last resort?


Portrait of a group of young children standing in a line in the hallway of a school

Can trauma symptoms predict placement instability?


Please explore the related resources below and at Questions from the field to learn more about the research that informs our work.