CIO Joseph Boateng recognized for DEI in investing

Blueprint Capital Advisors (BCA) recently named Casey Family Programs and our Chief Investment Officer, Joseph Boateng, to their Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Capitalism Power100 List (DEIC Power100) in the Endowment and Foundation category.

On the BCA website announcing the award, BCA stated:

“Second only to the Knight Foundation, Casey Family Programs has over 35% of its assets managed by woman and diverse managers. The Seattle-based foundation clearly takes use of diverse managers very seriously and is providing positive leadership in a segment that has long received criticism for lacking transparency and diverse managers.”

Boateng joined Casey Family Programs in January 2007. He oversees a team of investment analysts and support staff that are caretakers of Casey Family Programs’ endowment and advises the Board of Trustees to ensure that foundation assets are invested prudently.

According to BCA, the DEIC Power100 is a first-of-its-kind honor that recognizes people and organizations that are leading by example, breaking color and gender barriers, supporting diverse firms and promoting a more inclusive investment management industry.

BCA established the DEIC Power100 to shine a light on those across the capital investment industry who understand the importance of creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive asset management industry. BCA hopes that the DEIC Power100 becomes a community that continues to celebrate positive leadership and applauds collaboration toward a common vision of diversity, equity and inclusive capitalism.