How does Children’s Village reflect the components of a Qualified Residential Treatment Program?
Learn how a residential treatment program changed its business model, practice, and culture to better serve youth and families.
Learn how a residential treatment program changed its business model, practice, and culture to better serve youth and families.
Research highlights how quality legal representation for parents can improve permanency for children and reduce time in foster care.
Team-based parent legal representation reunifies children with their birth family earlier and in higher numbers.
Explore our Questions from the field resources related to group and institutional placements.
This practice model outlines strategies and interventions that advance Casey Family Programs’ focus on permanency for youth.
All children deserve to grow up in a loving, permanent family. This brief identifies strategies to achieve timely permanency.
This webinar series will provide constituents’ perspectives and jurisdictional approaches on sustaining permanency, information on re-entry rates, funding opportunities and practical recommendations to support sustained permanency. The webinar will be offered in two parts on June 7 and June 28.
This information packet helps in selecting and implementing child screening and assessment tools to inform case decision-making.
Parental rights restoration is an option for some youth when parents have addressed the issues that led to the termination of their rights.
Interviews with state guardianship experts and a policy analysis reveal variations in state subsidy rates and strategies for effective use of guardianship as a permanency option.