White House convening lifts up native youth: Event brings together first lady, Cabinet secretaries, tribal youth and leaders to expand opportunities for Native youth

Casey Family Programs joined the White House, Center for Native American Youth, tribal, government and philanthropic leaders in an inspiring convening focused on creating opportunities for Native youth. The April 8, 2015, convening, “Creating Native Youth Opportunities,” underscored the Obama Administration’s commitment to creating opportunities for the next generation of Native Americans. The five-hour gathering […]

Child welfare organizations disappointed by decision: U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of adoptive parents in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl

Casey Family Programs, Child Welfare League of America and Children’s Defense Fund expressed disappointment regarding today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision affecting the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) as the guiding law when determining the well-being of an Indian child in a custody dispute. David Sanders, Casey Family Programs’ executive vice president, said the ruling threatened […]

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