Geography Matters

Geography Matters

This two-page overview explains the utility of using geographic analysis techniques and mapping in child welfare.

Celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Dr. William C. Bell addresses the community of Tacoma, Washington, urging listeners to have a bold, “mountaintop” vision like Dr. King.

Indian Child Welfare Act Snapshot: A Pilot Review of ICWA Practice in Oklahoma

Indian Child Welfare Act Snapshot: A Pilot Review of ICWA Practice in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), in partnership with Casey Family Programs, conducted this pilot project to identify practice trends related to compliance with the federal and Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare acts. The Indian Child Welfare Act Snapshot report describes a review of cases involving American Indian children in foster care performed by a […]

Placement Patterns for American Indian Children Involved with Child Welfare

Placement Patterns for American Indian Children Involved with Child Welfare

American Indian children are disproportionately more likely to be victims of maltreatment and to be in foster care than the general population of children, according to 2012 data. Despite Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) guidelines, only 17 percent of American Indian children not living with a biological parent reside with an American Indian caregiver. This […]

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