How can family-based residential treatment programs help reduce substance use and improve child welfare outcomes?
Learn how family-based residential treatment for parental substance use disorder can keep families together and improve outcomes.
Learn how family-based residential treatment for parental substance use disorder can keep families together and improve outcomes.
Learn about the relationship between housing instability and child well-being, and how child welfare agencies can help homeless families.
Explore key components of supportive housing programs and evidence of their effectiveness with child welfare-involved families.
These brief videos describe how family resource centers in San Francisco offer concrete supports to families and build protective factors.
These brief videos describe the importance of collaboration across sectors to keep children safe and meet community needs.
Research highlights how quality legal representation for parents can improve permanency for children and reduce time in foster care.
Explore our Questions from the field resources to learn more about how to prevent child maltreatment.
Explore our Questions from the field resources to learn more about substance use disorders and child welfare.
Learn how a residential treatment center is helping tribal parents recover from substance use disorder with their children.
Pay for Success expands a recovery program that allows children to remain at home with parents undergoing treatment for substance use.