How does the Parents for Parents program help parents reunify?
The Parents for Parents program matches parents who have been reunified with those newly involved with child welfare to provide support and guidance.
The Parents for Parents program matches parents who have been reunified with those newly involved with child welfare to provide support and guidance.
Casey Family Programs, national experts and families brief members of the media on the Family First Prevention Services Act.
This webinar series will provide constituents’ perspectives and jurisdictional approaches on sustaining permanency, information on re-entry rates, funding opportunities and practical recommendations to support sustained permanency. The webinar will be offered in two parts on June 7 and June 28.
This document provides key themes and lessons learned from five states on practices involving intake screeners in their child welfare systems.
This document provides key themes and lessons learned from five states on practices involving intake screeners in their child welfare systems.
Mobile Response and Stabilization Services provides immediate support to stabilize children in crisis and keep them safe at home.
This information packet features five home visiting program models that have been found to be effective in reducing child maltreatment.
Youth in foster care have high rates of trauma exposure. A trauma-informed child protection system can mitigate trauma’s adverse effects.
A few jurisdictions are using birth match as a data-based strategy to predict future risk and harm of infants, but ethical tensions exist.
Effective supervision contributes directly to improved outcomes. This issue brief explores how to design an effective supervisory training.