How can jurisdictions ensure consistent health care access for children and youth in foster care?
States can ensure consistent health care coverage for children in foster care by implementing continuous eligibility for Medcaid or CHIP.
States can ensure consistent health care coverage for children in foster care by implementing continuous eligibility for Medcaid or CHIP.
This brief describes Medicaid financing and covered services for children involved with a child protection agency.
Learn how the use of Medicaid state plan amendments and waivers can support children in foster care.
This brief describes how Medicaid funds can support residential treatment programs and outlines considerations for FFPSA implementation.
The first in a series, this strategy brief explores how behavioral science offers insights into critical decision points in child welfare.
Behavioral science offers ideas to improve the recruitment process for foster and adoptive parents in child welfare.
Behavioral science offers insights into the hotline, screening, and investigation and assessment decision points in child welfare.
Behavioral science can inform system design to improve placement decisions and placement stability for children in foster care.
Congressman John Lewis inspired courage and hope in generations of Americans to stand up for what is right.
Learn how strategic partnerships between child protection agencies and early care and education can benefit children and families.